Not all information is created equal.
"Fake News" is a hot topic recently, but it isn't a new phenomena. For a brief history of fake news click here. Here you will find ways to tell if the information you have in front of you is something you can believe or not.
Where to Find, and How to Evaluate Information:
Where do I find information?
Your school/college library website. Here at RAHS the website is: From home: ELM - outside the school network
What if I just “google” information?
You will need to evaluate each source to see if it has reliable information.
How do I know if it's credible?
Using your critical thinking skills and ask these questions:
Ways to Spot Unreliable Information
- The Fact Checker's Guide for Detecting Fake News - The Washington Post
- Ten Questions for News Detection - The News Literacy Project
- 99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography - Instantshift
- How to Spot Fake News - Common Sense Media